Sep 18Quantum leap to detect gravitonsOur result on gravtion detection has now been published in Nature Communications . We show that contrary to current belief, graviton...
May 15High School interns win award from the Gravity Research FoundationOur interns Victoria Shenderov and Mark Suppiah win one of the few "Honorable Mention" awards for the 2024 Gravity Research Essay...
Mar 20Gabriel Sorci wins ICUNJ Novartis grant and presents at the Undergraduae Research SymposiumGabriel Sorci was presenting his research work at the annual ICUNJ Undergraduate Research Symposium at BellWorks. His research focuses on...
Mar 18Konstantin Beyer finalist for the Dissertation Prize of the German Physical SocietyKonstantin presents his PhD research on quantum thermodynamics at the spring meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), as one of four...
Dec 20, 2023$4M Alfred P. Sloan award for tabletop tests of fundamental physics Our research group receives funding from the Sloan foundation to explore new tests of the gravity-quantum interface with atomic clocks....