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Areas of Research

Interface of quantum physics & gravity

In our group we study how quantum theory and gravity intertwine, focusing on low-energies, foundational principles, and experimental signatures in AMO systems. Our research spans:

  • ​Quantum gravity signatures at low energies

  • Quantum dynamics on curved space-time

  • High-precision tests of gravitational phenomena

  • Foundations of quantum theory and gravity

Quantum control of novel systems

We study the ability to manipulate and to probe quantum phenomena at novel scales, focusing on new experimental platforms. Our research spans:

  • ​Quantum sensing

  • Quantum opto-mechanics

  • Quantum phenomena at macroscopic scales

  • Decoherence

A full list of publicartions can be found here. Some of our research results:

Single graviton detection

We showed how single gravitons can be detected, using macroscopic quantum resonators and quantum sensing.


Interpreting gravitational entanglement

We analyzed what conclusions one can draw from observing gravitationally induced entanglement about field quantization.


Do Gedanken experiments compel quantization of gravity?

We show that no Gedanken-experiment to date compels a quantum theory of gravity, in contrast to the electromagnetic case.


Generating optomechanical entanglement

We demonstrate how pulsed opto-mechanics and measurements can create robust macroscopic entanglement.

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Quantum metasurfaces with atom arrays

We introduce a new atomic meta-surface architecture with quantum control of dielectric properties.


Bell inequalities for temporal order

We showed that causality cannot be described as a classical, pre-determined quantity in quantum gravity.

Past and present research funding

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