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Welcome to the Pikovski quantum research lab

Our group is dedicated to theoretical research at the intersection of quantum technologies and fundamental physics. We are motivated by blue-sky research, while centered around next-generation quantum experiments in systems like atomic clocks, opto-mechanical resonators, matter-waves or photonics.

Open position

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to join our group. Research will span topics in gravitational physics at the interface with quantum information science.

Research highlights

Selected research results


Graviton detection with quantum sensing

First demonstration of how detection of single gravitons can be achieved. 


Gravitational wave detection with clocks

Application of optical lattice atomic clocks for tunable gravitational wave detection.


Quantum interferometry of proper time

Introducing interference of clocks as probes of quantum theory on curved space-time.


Decoherence due to time dilation

Discovery of decoherence that universally affects all composite matter under time dilation.


Table-top tests of Planck-scale physics

Opto-mechanical scheme demonstrating ability to test quantum gravity models.


Bell's inequality for temporal order

Formulation of Bell's inequality showing the intrinsic lack of local realism for causality.

Quantum Metamaterial.jpg

Quantum metasurfaces with atomic arrays

Paradigm for creating quantum superpositions of dielectric properties of atomic surfaces.


Squeezing of Axion-like dark matter

Demonstration of inevitable quantum squeezing of light dark matter.

General Research Interests

Quantum optics and information theory   +    Gravitational effects in quantum systems

Some of the broader research questions we work on:

What are unique features of quantum physics? How can we make use of them?

Which fundamental principles of gravity and quantum theory can we test? How do they intertwine?

Are quantum effects confined to the atomic realm, or do they show at macroscopic scales? What experiments can reveal that? 

Is gravity quantized, or is quantum theory modified? Can we design laboratory experiments to probe quantum gravity?

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